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The TWPP Book Club

In 2020 we published My Mirror Tells A Story by Spencer J. Quinn and Anthony Coulter—the first illustrated children’s book explicitly for White people, as well as the first full-color book published in our community. Shortly after, the print-on-demand (POD) company printed hundreds of copies for themselves and began selling it for lower than they would print it for us. Figuring there must be a better way, we did what we would only later realize no one here had done in a very long time: print a book.

Printing is complex, but after nearly two years visiting presses, going to binderies, leaving warehouses with bundles of Hyflex 9, calling Italian engineers at 5 am, and listening to guys in Ohio talk about paper forever, we learned how to “speak print.” And we learned something else: publishers know how to print books, they do not use print on demand (or its knockoff cousin, “dummy digital”), and by this criteria, none in our community qualify. That is the one way not to do it, as nothing is more unethical and costly, but when you see a 220-page, black-and-white hardcover for $30–40, that’s what it is.

We can do it the right way, will show you how it is done here, and every pre-order has given us hope up to now, but we can only keep so many in the air at once. We can print fast and cheap, and the result will end up in your garbage can by 2030, but we don’t want that, and need your help to avoid it. We appreciate every bit of support thus far, and if you are in a position to continue to, the best way you can is by joining the TWPP Book Club, which we hope you will find reciprocally beneficial.

Help us stay POD-free and continue printing the finest books, ones that will last and you can pass down to your children, by joining the TWPP Book Club.

You can read about it below and here:

Silver Book Club Member

$300.00 per Year.

Sign up!

  • Every current publication
  • Every future publication
  • Wall art prints (2)
  • Annual calendar
  • Access to premium content

Gold Book Club Member

$500.00 per Year.

Sign up!

  • Every current publication and reprint
  • Every future publication
  • Wall art prints (2)
  • Annual calendar
  • Access to premium content

Platinum Book Club Investor

$1,000.00 per Year.

Sign up!

  • Every current publication and reprint
  • Every future publication
  • Wall art prints (3)
  • Annual calendar
  • Access to premium content
  • Investor returns for helping us print the highest-quality products

Please contact if you would prefer to pay with crypto currency or by check.

After signing up for the TWPP Book Club, fill out the form below.

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