Let’s talk about white suicide, a topic that is not addressed nearly as often as it should be. Many don’t want to talk about it, but it is a serious problem and a social phenomenon that deserves more scrutiny. You likely know someone, or perhaps are someone, who struggles with depression or has thought about suicide. Sadly, depression and suicide have become exceedingly common in the greater white community and affects every group within our community, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, religion, or class. According to the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, between 2010-2019 whites in the United States committed suicide at higher rates than any other group. This holds true across all age groups, including children between the ages of five to fourteen.
This is due to many factors: (a) white children are subjected through educational and cultural indoctrination to believe that they are “privileged,” that their history is evil and oppressive, and that their identity is either a social construct, entirely negative, or something they are not allowed to identify positively; (b) white children are raised under the belief that this form of self-hatred is normal and acceptable, become adults who are desensitized to antiwhite vitriol, and view their self-hatred and adopted negative identity as normal; (c) whites have been forced to witness their neighborhoods be overwhelmed with foreigners, and if they oppose their demographic replacement, stand up against it, and express a positive collective identity, they are slandered as “racist,” put through public show trials, and are considered deserving of any violence against them; and (e) whites are systematically placed at the back of the line when it comes to acceptance into top colleges, job hirings, and career advancement opportunities in favor of non-whites to increase “diversity” and meet quotas.
Given the explicit and overt antiwhiteness of our institutions and sociocultural environments, is it any wonder that so many whites feel empty and depressed, and end up committing suicide at higher rates than every other group?
Additionally, white people are frequent victims of interracial violence by nonwhites. In 2019, nonfatal violent crimes committed by black offenders against white victims accounted for 84% (472,570) of the total between the two groups, while crimes of the same nature committed by white offenders against black victims accounted for 16% (89,980). Nonfatal violent crimes committed by Mestizo offenders against white victims accounted for 73.1% (463,520) of the total between the two groups, while crimes of the same nature committed by white offenders against Mestizo victims accounted for 26.9% (170,840). Consider the effects of these disparities on the extended families of white victims, which contribute to the social decay that has made depression and suicide so prevalent in the white community. Our children are often racially abused in school by nonwhites, simply because they are white, and if they fight back they are often called “racist” or get in trouble for beating up a nonwhite in self-defense. Moreover, if their parents are self-hating whites who don’t teach their children to stand up for themselves, but instead avoid confrontation, they are setting their children up to be insecure, anxiety-ridden, depressed, and more prone to committing suicide.
When those children grow up, consuming culture that reinforces anti-white narratives and being bombarded with media that glorifies nonwhites and treats them as the victims, they enter the world as adults only to find that their nation’s jobs are being endlessly outsourced to third-world countries, given to illegal immigrants who will work for next to nothing, handed out to H-1B workers because they are cheaper to hire and allow companies to avoid paying employee benefits, and are second options after every potential, semi-capable nonwhite applicant has been considered. If that isn’t bad enough, white workers who are replaced by H-1Bs or other immigrants sometimes find that they are required to train them to take over their position or lose their severance pay and benefits. What effect does this have on the dignity of white people, how can whites be expected to have any faith in what are allegedly their nations and institutions, and how does this hostility and instability impact the confidence, security, and ability for white people to support their families?
These are major forces responsible for the overall decline in mental health in the white community.
The anti-white propaganda we are exposed to, the constant demoralization and inability to engage in positive expressions of our collective identity, the physical violence levied against us and plaguing our communities as a result of forced multiculturalism, and the volatility that comes with simply maintaining a job and raising a family are direct and intentional attacks against us. What is causing the erosion of mental well-being among white people is no mystery, and this is the primary reason why we must support each other. You never know what your white brother or sister is going through, but it must be reiterated that together we conquer, and divided we fall. We must come together as a true community, one that cares about each other. Put aside all differences, as they mean nothing compared to the existential issues we face as a racial collective.
We are the minority in the world. Never disregard a white person just because they don’t share every view you have. We can and should be altruistic toward our fellow whites, all other beliefs aside. Accepting whites based on whether they fit into your neat little box does not help whites. True diversity is the diversity of our people, and we need to realize and appreciate that. Support will create the incentives for whites to start standing up for ourselves and fighting back against the forces contributing to our high rates of suicide and depression. If you are depressed, or if you are thinking of taking your own life, don’t. I’ll give you one good reason: Your people need you.
Thank you Ashley. That was great.
Very sad, but an important issue to bring to attention.
That was really well written (except the minor a, b, c, e typo). And I had to read this to my wife who also loved it. Great job, Ashley. Everything you said was spot on.
Whites are expected to build functional civilizations that their leaders hand over to people who could never build those civilizations, and are expected to fight wars to benefit global bankers, then get discarded on the streets while foreigners take over their neighborhoods.
Thank you for also for using the correct term ‘Mestizo’ in place of the chronically misapplied term ‘Hispanic’. (Hispanic being a linguistic descriptor and not a racial descriptor.)
You forgot about several major issues facing young white men today. The availability of decent and straight white females to marry, and start a family with. The media has convinced our white females that they are bi-sexual or gay or that minority men are a better catch for them. The media has over emphasized the most trivial activities like basketball or rap in society to promote black males over white males. The point of everything the media and our Govt does is for the ultimate replacement of our people with another group.
In response to Jack Straw it isn’t just black males, it is all races of non white males that are stealing our women from us. I also see white men with non white females of every race. It sickens me to see. I can not find one white woman who will even acknowledge me here in Seattle Washington. It is depressing but I keep fighting for our race.