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The Last Days



Hypersonic jets streak across the skyways overhead toward an alien menace. A violent storm batters the windows in your room. On the news, a long-lost starship has finally been found, its occupants still alive in suspended animation. Outside, everyone has gone mad. And whispering in your ear is your Super Helpful Assistant reminding you to take your regular-mood managers.

This is the old world in its last days.

In this collection of nine science-fiction short stories, featuring cover art by Donald Kent and a Foreword by Dave Martel of The Bizarchives, a stellar lineup of writers explore contrasting visions of the days ahead, all based on a true future—one that may be a millennium away or arrive next week—where civilization is in its death throes, and everything you thought was true could be turned upside down faster than you can turn the page.

Additional information

Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .85 in
Release Date

Early 2023


Hardcover, Paperback




Science Fiction


Organizer: Ger De Wit

Cover Art: Donald Kent

Foreword: Dave Martel


  • Whitney Hall
  • Ger De Wit
  • Charles Westgate
  • George Perry
  • Hektor Troy
  • Kurtis MacDaud
  • Clayton Barnett
  • Jack Carter