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Getting Our Loved Ones to See the Truth About Race

If you still talk to friends or family members who aren’t yet on the side of their own people yet, you are not alone. Many of us have loved ones who still have their blinders on and don’t live in reality with race. It can be extremely frustrating at times to deal with these types of people, even if they are close friends or family members. Sometimes you may feel like giving up and cutting off contact. However, acting prematurely or emotionally is imprudent, and it is always worth giving it at least one last shot to help them understand and come to terms with white reality.

Coming on too strong may deter them from even considering that they are wrong. People can be stubborn, so you must be patient. If you push any particular thing too hard, the other person will have a natural tendency to rebel against it. Think of it in terms of raising a child: if you are overbearing, they will likely disobey you the first chance they get. The same goes for getting your loved ones to rally behind white interests. A countless number of methods are used to subliminally brainwash white people into being self-loathing and viewing their own kind as evil, and as a result, most aren’t even aware of how they arrived at the conclusions they have about race. Research shows that subliminal messages have the ability to shape thoughts and behavior, and these hidden stimuli can influence the conscious processing of information and affect decision-making. When you consider the fact that subliminal anti-white messaging all around us, it’s not at all surprising that so many simply accept it at face value and without question. However, we can and should use these strategies to benefit our interests.

Have you ever been watching television with a loved one when a commercial came on depicting a white guy as dumb, ugly, and nerdy, and a black male as smart, desirable, and strong? In such commercials, there is often a white female involved who shows interest in the black male. This commercial trope has been used by a myriad of corporations, and the formula is simple: make white men look like losers and black males look like winners. Your loved one undoubtedly glosses right over it, but you see it for what it is—anti-white. What your reaction should be is to casually point this out, and little by little start kindling that fire of truth inside of them. Don’t be blatant or get upset, help them see it for themselves by laying small stepping stones in their path to guide them to a conclusion they believe they arrived at on their own. For many, it will only be a matter of time before they have the revelation you yourself once had.

A better way to manage disagreements and tension on social media is by allowing them to repeat the talking points learned through their indoctrination, and then responding with facts in a poised manner.

Do you post pro-white or semi-pro-white memes and statuses using your personal social media accounts? If you do, and you have friends or family members whose views don’t align with your own, there will likely be some tension. You may feel inclined to react by saying, “How could you possibly disagree with this?!” or perhaps “You must be *expletive* retarded!” While this urge is natural, it will not persuade them to adopt your views. A better way to manage disagreements and tension on social media is by allowing them to repeat the talking points learned through their indoctrination, and then responding with facts in a poised manner. Coddle while educating. If doing that makes you feel like you are treating other people like children, that is essentially the type of relationship you are managing through your efforts, because ultimately you are re-educating them. If they have the mind of a child, and have allowed themselves to be spoon-fed lies without engaging in critical thought, then treat them appropriately. Having bought so many fallacies at asking price, they can equally subscribe to some factualism over time, as well.

With luck, they will begin second-guessing themselves after repeating the propaganda of others. When met with adversity and factual information, confronting their own feeble opinions, whether through a screen or after hearing them spoken out loud, could make them realize how silly they really are and eventually steer them in the right direction. People often don’t recognize how wrong they are until someone else forces them to state their views out loud. The ideas in their head could very well sound right when kept inside, or when the expression of counter-ideas has been censored, but there is no rational basis for them among race-deniers, and when the words and justifications come out, it’s hard not to see how delusional and half-baked they really are. Remember, the white people you are dealing with didn’t acquire their beliefs by their own accord, but desperately want to believe they did. The reality is that their beliefs were drilled into them early on and have never met with any awareness of their origins, let alone any criticism of them.

To give recent an anecdote, someone followed me on a personal social media account because they enjoyed my content. Sooner or later, though, they noticed that I had posted pro-white material. In a conversation later on they asked if I was a “white supremacist.” I responded by saying, “Being proud of my heritage and wanting the best for my people has nothing to do with what you label “white supremacy.” They unfollowed me, which wasn’t surprising (the other party being a stereotypical anti-white and a leftist, two categories that have become seemingly synonymous in modern times). Days later, they followed me again and even apologized, explaining that they were accustomed to believing stereotypes about how anyone pro-white is an evil doctrinaire who hates gays, women, and those with differing political positions, and always fits neatly within the fictional mold cast by modern institutions, which couldn’t be further from the truth. They also admitted how odd it was to enjoy everything else someone has to say, then suddenly decide that person is awful for holding pro-white beliefs. This caught me off guard, because I didn’t know the person well, and it is uncommon for people to change their minds on a whim. But what they saw was that I’m a decent person, and a person who never pressured them into adopting pro-white beliefs. Not only did they stick around as a follower and become an internet friend, but over time their views have begun to align more and more with those held by people who are pro-white. This is due to the two of us conversing more on the topic at their pace, and me conveying myself as both pro-white and a normal person—not the fictional bogeyman much of society makes us out to be, with some relevant memes and jokes thrown in along the way.

No individual is the same, and there are a variety of ways to lay a new foundation for your friends, family, spouse, and so on, one that will, with time and a little patience, help them change paths.

It can and often will come naturally in this manner if you present well and don’t force it. But you should always put it out there and let it be, since minds can change with only a subtle and gentle push. No individual is the same, and there are a variety of ways to lay a new foundation for your friends, family, spouse, and so on, one that will, with time and a little patience, help them change paths. What works on some may not work on others, but giving up won’t work on anyone. The people close to you deserve your effort, and it is your responsibility to liberate them from the chains they are unwittingly bound by. That is the least you can do, and never forget that most of us were at one point in their shoes.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Michael Grabowski

    My wife and kids are so indoctrinated in the anti white narrative, that they are trying to get me to commit suicide ! I don’t even have anyone to talk to about this because everyone is down with the anti white cause.

    1. The Editorial Team

      Hang in there, brother. It’s hard for all of us, but you can’t stop fighting.

  2. Michael Grabowski

    Thanks , things are getting better already

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